Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Cumberland County Conservation District Holds Virtual Engineer Workshop

Photo of webinar in progress by Vince McCollum with CCCD.

On October 22, 2020, Cumberland County Conservation District (CCCD) held a two-hour E&S/NPDES engineer workshop via webinar. Eighty-two engineers and consultants signed on to learn about the 2019 PAG-02 Permit, the new Notice of Intent and Individual Permit application, completing the Post Construction Stormwater Management spreadsheets, and other key program components. Click here to view videos of the presentations.

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Potter County Conservation District and Planning Commission Complete 2nd Round of Municipal Meetings

Photo provided by Potter County Conservation District.

The Potter County Conservation District (PCCD) recently teamed up with the County Planning Commission to complete 26 individual municipal meetings over two months. Elected officials from each of the municipalities, representatives from Erb Inspections, Inc., and local sewage enforcement officers were invited to these one-on-one meetings. This was the second round of meetings held since the effort was launched in 2017.

PCCD Manager Jason Childs, PCCD Resource Conservationist Glenn Dunn II, and Potter County Planning Commission GIS/Planning Director Will Hunt scheduled a total of nine sessions at outdoor venues throughout the county due to COVID-19. Popular topics of discussion during the sessions included the County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances (SALDO), stormwater management, 911 addressing, permitting, district programs and assistance, and county planning, GIS programs, and assistance.

In addition, the conservation district and planning commission plan to update the “Municipal Resource Booklet” that was developed in 2017 and add a checklist for municipal officials and residents to use. Both offices felt that this was a great opportunity to open up lines of communication and strengthen partnerships. The district and planning commission would like to thank everyone who took the time to meet. This effort will be ongoing as it is a goal to host this series of meetings after every election year.

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Columbia County Conservation District Hosts Haunted Trail

Photos of animal skulls from the haunted trail provided by the Columbia County Conservation District.

The Columbia County Conservation District held a “Haunted Trails” event at their district-owned Kocher Nature Park on Saturday, October 24, 2020. Approximately 150 adults and children came through the trails, which the district carefully designed with social distancing protocols and lots of environmental education opportunities!

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Four Conservation Districts Join Forces for Virtual Forestry Workshop

Elk County Conservation District Manager Kate Wehler facilitates presenter introductions. Photo provided by McKean County Conservation District.

Every year a partnership of northcentral PA conservation districts holds a cooperative workshop for forest industry professionals. The popular full-day workshop includes best management practices for timber operations; regulatory information and updates, permitting needs; other current environmental considerations; and a field portion to look at real-life BMP scenarios and challenges.

This year’s four-hour “Erosion Control in Our Forests” webinar on October 1, 2020, had 119 participants, well exceeding normal attendance for the in-person event. Cameron, Elk, McKean, and Potter County Conservation Districts coordinated the event.

Click here to read the entire article. 

Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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Blair County Conservation District Opens NatureWorks Park

Photo caption (left to right): Bonnie Young, Chelsey Ergler, Tyne Blazier, Beth Futrick, Donna Fisher, Rich Huether, Stephen Dumm, and Steve Beach. Suzanne Black was absent from the photo. Photo provided by Blair County Conservation District.

The Blair County Conservation District hosted a ribbon-cutting for NatureWorks Park on October 8, 2020. About 40 invited guests participated in the event to “open” Blair County’s first environmental-specific outdoor recreation area. The property is owned by the Blair County Conservation District and managed by the district staff with many volunteers’ assistance! A PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Community Conservation Partnerships Program Grant was received to cover a portion of the cost of construction. Keller Engineers, Inc. of Hollidaysburg provided the design and permitting of the site. For more information on the park, visit our website at or check out the park on Facebook

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Warren County Conservation District Creates Invasive Species Trail

Photo of hemlock woolly adelgid invasive species signage provided by Warren County Conservation District.

Warren County Conservation District created an educational invasive species walk at the Hatch Run Conservation Demonstration Area for the month of October. Visitors will learn about common invasive species that may be found in the area through informational signs posted along the Simmons Run Trail. Not all of the species can necessarily be found on the Hatch Run property, but visitors are encouraged to come any time during daylight hours and learn about invasive species that threaten native habitat.


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Berks County Conservation District Raises $2,800 for County Envirothon

Clay shoot photo provided by Berks County Conservation District.

In late September, twelve teams of sporting clay enthusiasts joined the Berks County Conservation District at M&E Sporting Clays to raise funds for the Berks County Envirothon. In the event’s second year, participants spent the afternoon testing their aim on clay targets at fifteen different stations. They then enjoyed an evening with awards, prizes, and a BBQ dinner.

Click here to read more, including how the district handled the event during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Montgomery Holds Rain Garden Workshop

Rain garden photo provided by Montgomery County Conservation District.

On September 24, 2020, Cody Schmoyer of the Montgomery County Conservation District presented on rain gardens as part of the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy Training Lecture Series for homeowners. Fourteen participants were in attendance to learn about rain garden designs and their benefits. The presentation covered infiltration tests, such as double-ring infiltration tests, percolation tests, and sizing and design. Soil mixtures and planting plans were also discussed since these play an essential role in the uptake of water and the functionality of the rain garden.

The presentation also addressed some design considerations, including underdrains/outlet pipes and rain gardens built with a berm to create ponding water. Stabilization was emphasized and straw, wood chips, river stone, and erosion control blankets were discussed. The information provided was beneficial for homeowners who are interested in installing rain gardens on their own property.

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Juniata County Conservation District Holds Stormwater Workshop

Juniata County Conservation District provided the photo of the workshop.

Juniata County Conservation District held a workshop in McAlisterville for property owners and municipal staff on September 30, 2020. The “What’s the Point” workshop defined stormwater runoff and its sources, encouraged management and reduction of stormwater, and developed an understanding of stormwater’s effects on watersheds near and far.

The workshop was held in person and had thirteen participants. Municipal officials attended and engaged in brainstorming ways to be more effective in educating residents about stormwater management. The workshop also had a hands-on planting component.

Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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McKean County Conservation District’s My Growing Tree Program Goes Remote

Kits were provided to teachers for the My Growing Tree Program. Photo provided by McKean County Conservation District.

The popular ‘My Growing Tree’ program, traditionally delivered to all McKean County elementary school first graders in April for Arbor Day, took a hiatus during the pandemic. This fall, the McKean County Conservation District, with the Potter County Conservation District and PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry, re-worked the program into a remote kit that could be delivered to schools without visiting classes.

The remote kits loaned to teachers include a lesson plan, videos, activities, and additional resources.

Click here to read the entire article. 

This program was made possible by a DEP Environmental Education Grant.

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