Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.


The PACD has six standing committees. Membership of each committee is composed of up to six conservation district directors and/or associate directors, and up to six staff, from conservation districts in good standing. PACD committee meetings are open to all PACD members and Cooperating Agencies. Only appointed committee members are entitled to vote. Click here for the committee volunteer form.


The roles and responsibilities of the Conservation Committee include:

  1. Keep the PACD informed of appropriate conservation issues as they affect the State’s natural resources and environment.
  2. Maintain a close working relationship with agencies and organizations at the federal, state and local level that are concerned or involved with conservation and the environment in Pennsylvania.
  3. Stay abreast of changes, policies, and procedures that influence conservation and the environment.
  4. Emphasize the need to implement best management practices on Pennsylvania’s private and public lands.
  5. Work with whatever federal, state, or local agencies, clubs, committees, or groups it deems necessary for development and implementation of conservation programs.
  6. Develop and maintain close working relations with agencies and committees of other organizations engaged in conservation and environmental programs.
  7. Stay abreast of changes, policies, and procedures for natural resources and land use decisions.
Chair: Josh Longmore, Manager, Luzerne Conservation District
Director/Associate Director Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Bill Clouser (Clearfield), Doug Goodlander (York), Bill Kahler (Lycoming), Daryl Miller (Bradford), Piper Sherburne (Berks)
District Staff Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Jim Coslo (Centre), Carl Goshorn (Cumberland), Holly Laird (Armstrong), Matt Long (Lycoming), Dan Miloser (Chester), Dave Stoner (Franklin)
Staff Advisor: Molly Burns, Project & Event Specialist

District Employees

The roles and responsibilities of the District Employees Committee include:

  1. Assess employee training needs, make recommendations, and assist in the development of training.
  2. Provide a means of communication regarding effective programs and other concerns of district staff.
  3. Research methods to improve general Conservation District Staff working conditions and/or advancement opportunities.
  4. Respond to requests for assistance from district employees.
Chair:  Holly Kaplan, Assistant Manager, Lehigh County Conservation District
Director/Associate Director Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Ray Gorman (Cambria), Jeff Holcomb (McKean), Mike Price (Beaver), Bill Royer (Lehigh), Rob Shannon (Centre)
District Staff Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Kristina Heaney (Monroe), Jamie Knecht (Wayne), Jeff Pflug (Beaver), Jenna St. Clair (Schuylkill), Sandy Thompson (McKean), Kate Wehler (Elk)
Staff Advisor:  Holly Miller, Program Manager

Education and Outreach

The roles and responsibilities of the Education and Outreach Committee include:

  1. Identify existing conservation education tools that address the needs of Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts.  (Conservation education tools include, but are not limited to, items such as workshops, print materials, exhibits, and other materials).
  2. Identify needed Pennsylvania-specific conservation education tools.
  3. Provide guidance to the PACD with the development of Pennsylvania-specific conservation education materials.
  4. Identify and promote new and existing conservation education tools that address the needs of Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts.
  5. Identify and promote existing tools that will help market the activities of Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts and PACD.
  6. Provide guidance to the PACD with the development and dissemination of conservation marketing tools.
    Identify new and/or existing technologies that help support the outreach efforts of Conservation Districts and the PACD.
  7. Provide guidance to the PACD in the development of technology-based education and/or marketing tools.
  8. Provide guidance to PACD in the development and use of new computer-based technology for Conservation Districts.
  9. To identify dedicated sources of funding for conservation education at the district level.
Chair:  Laura Anderson, Environmental Education Coordinator, Wyoming Conservation District
Director/Associate Director Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025):  Dominic Degidio (Beaver), Joan McCarty (Columbia), Barb Peace (Indiana), Jason Singer (Allegheny), Kelly Stagen (Pike)
District Staff Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Kristen Currier (Erie), Emma Grubbs (Allegheny), Laura Hopek (Lehigh), Michael McKelvey (York), Jen Novak (Westmoreland), Cathy Yeakel (Bradford)
Staff Advisor:  Shannon Wehinger, PACD Director of Communications & Education


The roles and responsibilities of the Legislative Committee include:

  1. Keep the PACD apprised of legislative actions anticipated or being acted upon in the field of conservation.
  2. Give consideration to new legislation needed to accelerate conservation programs.
  3. Keep abreast of federal legislation, state legislation, and local ordinances and regulations, in effect or needed to further conservation programs in the Commonwealth.
  4. This committee with and through the President of the PACD, PACD staff, and Conservation Districts should keep in touch with state legislators and U.S. congressmen and senators to further the aims of the PACD.
Chair:  Donna Fisher, Manager, Blair Conservation District
Director/Associate Director Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Chuck Duritsa (Westmoreland), Mark Hamilton (Tioga), Thomas Herbert (Luzerne), Larry Kehl (Berks), Tabassam Shah (Clarion), Kelly Stagen (Pike)
District Staff Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Doug Beri (Indiana), Mary Burris (Lawrence), Adam McClain (Adams), Chris Strohmaier (Chester), Chris Thompson (Lancaster), Trevor Weaver (Mifflin)
Staff Advisor: Amy Brown, Director of Programs & Operations


The roles and responsibilities of the Operations Committee include:

  1. Review the annual book of PACD Policies for the PACD.
  2. Review all resolutions for consistency with PACD policy and clarify resolutions for consideration by the Executive Council.
  3. Advise the Executive Council on affairs of the PACD, including but not limited to PACD meetings, requests, recommendations, and resolutions.
  4. Handle requests for assistance by other standing committees as necessary.
  5. Work with the local annual convention committee in developing plans for the annual meeting.
Chair:  Emil Bove, PACD 1st Vice President, Westmoreland Conservation District
Director/Associate Director Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Charles Duritsa (Westmoreland), Michael Hubler (Northumberland),  Kenneth Meck (Lancaster), Piper Sherburne (Berks)
District Staff Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025):  Jason Childs (Potter), Jay Russell (Mercer), Seleen Shives (Fulton), Chris Thompson (Lancaster), Sandy Thompson (McKean), Erica Tomlinson (Tioga)
Staff Advisor: Molly Burns, Project & Event Specialist

Ways and Means

The roles and responsibilities of the Ways and Means Committee include:

  1. Identify new sources of revenue for the PACD.
  2. Develop and implement a strategy to secure sources of revenue for the PACD.
  3. Identify new grant opportunities that can be used to help PACD provide increased products and services to Conservation Districts.
  4. Provide guidance and recommendations to the Executive Council on the management of the PACD special funds.
  5. Develop and implement a strategy to secure donations for PACD special funds and projects.
  6. Develop annual dues structure and present this proposed amount to the Executive Board for their review and presentation to Executive Council.
Chair:  Sonia Wasco, PACD Treasurer, Lancaster Conservation District 
Director/Associate Director Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025):  Emil Bove (Westmoreland), Donald Koontz (Mercer), Cliff Lane (McKean), Kenneth Meck (Lancaster), Steve Taglang (Cumberland), Samuel Worley (Franklin)
District Staff Committee Members (as of Jan. 1, 2025): Nathan Brophy (Northumberland), Dean Druckenmiller (Berks), John Dryzal (Cambria), Lisette Lane (Venango), Tom McClure (Erie), Donna Zofcin (Forest)
Staff Advisor:  Amy Brown, PACD Director of Operations