Bylaws and Policies
PACD’s bylaws govern the organization and its relationship with its members. Click here to download the current bylaws.
PACD policies are general concepts, usually in the form of a positive statement, that are used to guide the long-term direction of the organization. A policy may be brought forward by a conservation district board, a PACD region, a PACD committee, or the PACD Executive Board. The policy is then reviewed by the PACD Operations Committee to ensure that it is clear, and is consistent with current PACD policy, before it is brought before the PACD Executive Council. Final consideration of all policies takes place at a PACD Executive Council Annual Meeting (currently held in July).
Policies are not the same as positions. Positions are specific statements that relate to a particular program, legislation, or current activity. Positions are taken based on the policies of the organization and may be short-term. Positions may be considered at a meeting of the Executive Council or in between Executive Council meetings by the Executive Board.
For a more detailed description of the PACD policy process, and to review current PACD policies, please see the links below.