Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Lebanon County Conservation District Holds Legislative Roundtable

Group picture of attendees at the Lebanon County Conservation District Legislative Roundtable provided by the district.

On June 2, 2023, Lebanon County Conservation District held a Legislative Roundtable. During the event, the district highlighted its conservation efforts and discussed the importance of farmland preservation, environmental education, and how the Countywide Action Plan (CAP) is being implemented in Lebanon County.

Representatives Russ Diamond, Tom Jones, and John Schlegel attended the event. Also present was JoEllen Litz, Lebanon County Commissioner. PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh, State Conservation Commission Executive Secretary Doug Wolfgang, and PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Chesapeake Bay Watershed Restoration Division Director Kristen Wolf attended as well.

Click here to read an article on the event.

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Berks County Conservation District Holds Legislative Breakfast

Berks County Conservation District board of director’s county commissioner member Christian Leinbach kicks off the event.

On April 27, 2023, the Berks County Conservation District held a Legislative Breakfast with the Berks Farm Bureau. Approximately 60 folks attended the breakfast at the Berks County Agricultural Center in Leesport, PA. PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh was in attendance.

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McKean County Conservation District Holds Legislative Luncheon

(Left to right): Front row – Riley Thompson, PA Maple Ambassador; Amanda Murdock, District Conservationist, USDA NRCS; Carol Duffy, McKean County Commissioner; Sandy Thompson, MCCD District Manager; Selena King, US Senator Fetterman’s Office; Tamara Bleggi, PA Senator Dush’s Office. Back row – Elizabeth Casertano, US Senator Fetterman’s Office; Jeff Larson, MCCD Chairman; Rep. Martin Causer; Cliff Lane, MCCD Commissioner Director; Adam Causer, MCCD Watershed Specialist; Ken Kane, MCCD Director; Kerry Fetter, MCCD Director; and Tom Kreiner, McKean County Commissioner. Photo provided by McKean County Conservation District.

The McKean County Conservation District (MCCD) held its annual legislative luncheon on April 27, 2023, to celebrate Conservation District Week and to provide an update on its projects in 2022, including the Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) program.

Discussion was also held on the 2023-24 State Budget, invasive species, and the 2023 Farm Bill. “Partnership” seemed to be the running theme of the meeting. Examples were shown of having good partners, proof that we are stronger when working together.

PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh participated via Zoom.


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Brenda Shambaugh Participates in Senate Committee Information Session

Brenda Shambaugh at the Senate Committee Information Session.

PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh participated in the Senate Environmental Affairs and Resource Committee information session on Chesapeake Bay issues. The session was held at the Farm Show Complex on January 12, 2023.  

Click here to watch the session. Brenda’s comments begin at 1:03:08.


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Cambria County Conservation District Holds Legislative Breakfast

Cambria County Conservation District manager John Dryzal speaks at the legislative breakfast.

On October 28, 2022, the Cambria County Conservation District held a legislative breakfast in Ebensburg, PA. District Chairman Dennis Beck and District Manager John Dryzal spoke at the event.

PACD 2nd Vice President Emil Bove represented PACD at the event.

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Susquehanna County Conservation District Legislative Tour

Harford Farm & Flower Market Owner and Operator Geoff Smeltzer (left) with PA Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell C. Redding during the tour. Photo courtesy of the PA Department of Agriculture.

Forty-eight individuals attended a legislative tour hosted by Susquehanna County Conservation District on September 8, 2022. Participating dignitaries included: Agricultural Secretary Russell Redding, Tom Williams with Senator Lisa Baker’s office, Susquehanna County Commissioner Elizabeth Arnold, Susquehanna County Commissioner Judith Herschel, and Representative Jonathan Fritz. PACD North East Region Director Chuck Gould (Monroe County Conservation District) represented PACD at the event.

Tour stops included Aldrich Homestead, a seventh-generation innovative dairy farm; Harford Farm and Flower Market, a Certified organic vegetable farm with 49 acres of farmland specializing in organic produce and flowers; and a dirt and gravel road project site.

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Somerset Conservation District Holds Oven Run Ceremony

U.S. Senator Robert Casey spoke at the event. Photo taken by Emil Bove.

State Senator Patrick Stefano spoke at the event. Photo taken by Emil Bove.










The Oven Run Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Project Re-Dedication Ceremony was held on September 1, 2022. The tour highlighted the complete reconstruction of five AMD passive treatment systems on the Stonycreek River that will continue to be responsible for the historic improvement in water quality in the watershed. PACD 2nd Vice President Emil Bove (Westmoreland) represented PACD at Somerset Conservation District’s recent ceremony.

U.S. Senator Robert Casey, State Senator Patrick Stefano, PA Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director Tim Schaeffer, former Congressman John Murtha’s Chief of Staff John Hugya, representatives from the Department of Environmental Protection, and local conservation groups spoke during the event.

Click here and here to read articles about the event.

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Conservation Districts Grateful for Budget Increase

Pennsylvania’s County Conservation Districts thank the Pennsylvania legislature for supporting conservation districts in the state budget.

Pennsylvania Conservation Districts assist landowners through technical assistance, permit reviews, site inspections, and education in a safe, efficient, and effective manner. The goal of conservation districts is to protect our natural resources, keep food on tables, and ensure public safety. 

Through the efforts of the PA General Assembly, the “Transfer to the Conservation District” lines in the 2022-2023 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture budgets were collectively increased by $6.8 million. 

“The conservation districts play an important role in protecting the Commonwealth’s resources. By including an increase in the state budget for conservation districts, the

Pennsylvania General Assembly is investing in the conservation district mission of clean water and healthy soil for all Pennsylvanians,” said Brenda Shambaugh, PACD Executive Director.

As a result of the legislator’s actions, conservation districts will continue to review permits, assist farmers, assist municipalities in preparing to fix low-volume roads and dirt and gravel roads throughout the state and help control mosquito-borne diseases such as West Nile Virus and Zika Virus.  


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Donna Fisher Testifies Before House Committee on MS4

Blair County Conservation District Manager Donna Fisher (top photo) and PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh, testify before the House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee.

Donna J. Fisher, District Manager of Blair County Conservation District and in partnership with the Blair County Intergovernmental Stormwater Committee, testified in Harrisburg regarding the MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) program.

Donna testified at the public hearing of the House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee on June 13, 2022. The Committee gathered testimony and input on MS4 compliance and House Bills 2153 and 2331

Click here to read the full testimony and here to watch the video. (Donna’s testimony starts at 99:00.)

Brenda finished the testimony for Donna by providing the concluding comments.

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Lebanon County Conservation District Holds Legislative Roundtable

(Left to right): Taylor Wade, Administrative Assistant; Randall Leisure, Board Chairperson; Jo Ellen Litz, Commissioner; Craig Zemitis, Agricultural Preservation Specialist; Katie Doster, District Manager; Jim Tomanelli, Associate Director; Maranda Smith, CAP Technician; Dan Bost, Representative for Senator Christopher Gebhard; Brenda Shambaugh, PACD Executive Director; Robert Arnold, Director; Karl Kerchner, Assistant Manager; Stephanie Harmon, Watershed Specialist; MaryKate Gallagher, CAP Coordinator; Nate Weaver, Erosion & Sedimentation Technician; and Representative Russ Diamond.

The Lebanon County Conservation District staff met with local legislators on June 3, 2022. The meeting included a staff discussion on conservation programs in Lebanon County. These include agricultural land preservation, erosion and sedimentation control, Envirothon, mosquito-borne disease control, and agricultural programs. Conservation district funding, urban/suburban sprawl in the county, and the countywide Conservation Action Plan (CAP) were also discussed.

PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh also attended the event. Click here to read a news article about the event. 

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