Perry County Conservation District Creates Field Test Kits
The Perry County Conservation District (PCCD) recently wrapped up their Nonpoint Source Pollution Educational Mini-grant project. The Scientific Citizens Observing Pollution (in the) Environment or SCOPE for short, allows volunteers to test stream sites. As part of the grant, field test kits were assembled.
Each test kit includes:
- 1 bucket and lid
- 1 garbage bag
- 1 small first aid kit
- 1 low-cost water monitoring water chemistry kit complete with test tubes, directions, result charts, and chemical tablet refills
- 2 large pipettes
- 1 Fahrenheit thermometer
- 1 ‘Key to Macroinvertebrates’ identification sheet
- 3 paintbrushes
- 2 pencils
- 1 compass
- 12 (1 dram) glass vials and data tags – for preserving and labeling macro specimens
- 1 field scope with a plastic concave slide and battery powered light
- 1 small closing magnifying box
- 1 ice cube tray
- 2 tweezers
- 1 ‘Rite in the Rain’ notebook for recording data
Through the project, five field days/workshops were held to train the volunteers. PCCD plans to continue the program in the coming year.