Conservation Districts Educate Landowners through CREP Mini-grant Program

Mike Kerr from the USDA Farm Service Agency explains the CREP program during a CREP workshop in Jefferson County. Photo provided by the Jefferson County Conservation District.
The 2016-17 round of Pennsylvania Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) mini-grants for conservation districts concluded in June.
Some of the outcomes include:
- 8 projects were conducted
- 2,000 farmers and landowners were reached
- 3 field days/walkabouts were held
- 6 workshops were held
- 31 one-on-one visits were held
- 29 participants indicated they plan to enroll in CREP In the future
- 31 participants indicated they plan to re-enroll in CREP when their contract expires
PACD has applied for grant funding to continue this program. If funding is granted, a new grant round will be opened. Questions about the mini-grant program should be directed to