Potter County Conservation District Hosts Legislative Luncheon

(L-R: Back row – Chuck Dillon, an aide to Senator Dush; Commissioner Barry Hayman; Jared Dickerson, PCCD Watershed Specialist; Andrew Mickey, PCCD DGLVR Technician; Glenn Dunn II, PCCD Resource Conservationist. Front row – Rep. Martin Causer; PCCD Board Chairman Earl Brown; Jason Childs, PCCD District Manager; Brenda Shambaugh, PACD Executive Director; Rep. Clint Owlett; Emily Shosh, PCCD Communications, and Outreach Advisor.)
Potter County Conservation District (PCCD) held a Legislative luncheon on March 11, 2022, at the beautiful Susquehannock Lodge and Trail Center in Ulysses, PA. Senator Chris Dush, Representative Clint Owlett, and Representative Martin Causer, among many other local leaders, attended.