Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Grant Period Opens for North West Pennsylvania PRISM Pilot

PACD was awarded a $210,000 Landscape Scale Restoration grant from the USDA Forest Service to pilot a Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) program in the North West region of Pennsylvania. The NW region covers 13 counties: Erie, Warren, McKean, Crawford, Mercer, Venango, Forest, Elk, Lawrence, Butler, Clarion, Jefferson, and Armstrong.

The NW conservation districts will form advisory groups consisting of local partner organizations and community members to identify and prioritize projects in their counties. Projects may be educational events and/or treatment projects.

$40,000 of the grant will be used for education & outreach mini-grants. Click here for more information on the Education & Outreach Mini-grant Program.

$149,000 will be used for invasive species treatment and management projects. Click here for more information on the Management Project Sub-grant Program.

Financial and other support for the PRISM Pilot Program in NW Pennsylvania is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a Landscape Scale Restoration Grant from the USDA Forest Service. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”