Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Joint Annual Conference Tours Sponsored by Penn State

Joint Annual Conference Early-bird Deadline Extended to June 28, 2024

Registrants attending the conference on Wednesday can choose to join one of two exciting field tours sponsored and hosted by Penn State.

  • Chestnut Restoration Research and Frost Entomology Museum – Participants will take in two spots of interest on the campus of Penn State University Park. First, visit the research site of the American Chestnut restoration project at the Arboretum, a partnership with the American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) to breed a variety of American chestnut resistant to chestnut blight. Next, stop at the Frost Entomological Museum to explore insect biology, better understand their relationship with humans, and learn how people in the Department of Entomology are expanding our collective knowledge of insects and their place in this world.
  • Rock Springs Research Farm and Ag Progress Days – Participants will take a bus tour of agricultural research plots at the Larson Research Farm at Rock Springs. The research and education on this 2,200-acre site, which is not open to the public, works toward better food and farming for the health of society and the environment. Current studies at this living laboratory focus on fruits, vegetables, grains, weeds, soil, insects, fish, water, farming techniques, forestry and more. Participants will then stop at Ag Progress Days to see conservation practices implemented at the site, including the riparian buffer on Spruce Creek.

Register by June 28, 2024, and save $30.00 on Full Registration! Click here for more information and to register.