Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Elk County Conservation District Holds Forestry Days for Districts

Photos provided by ECCD.

The Elk County Conservation District (ECCD), in collaboration with neighboring conservation districts and other industry partners, hosted “Forestry Days for Districts” from July 29 to 30 in Johnsonburg, PA. This two-day workshop was open to all conservation districts statewide, and representatives from over 20 districts were present! The objective was to provide “training by districts, for districts,” focusing on timber harvesting and effectively communicating sustainable timber practices.

Throughout PA, each district encounters varying degrees of forestry sites and timber operations. “Forestry Days for Districts” allowed district employees from all corners of the state to come together to discuss their own experiences and learn directly from those in the forestry industry.

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