Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Clean Water Academy Highlights

Have you visited the Pennsylvania Clean Water Academy lately? New courses are continuously added. Check out these courses today!

Course: Introduction to Wetland Determination – 2024

This course will teach you how to properly recognize wetlands in Pennsylvania. At the conclusion, you will be able to identify and evaluate the three components that make up a wetland: hydrology, hydrophytic vegetation, and hydric soil.

Clean Water Academy takes 7 to 8 hours to complete this entire course. A completion certificate is available only to users with a login, so please create an account first if you desire a completion certificate.

Course: Susquehanna River Story – What does the science say about water quality? 

The wide and majestic Susquehanna River is one of the oldest rivers in the world. Despite its beauty, the Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay downstream have been facing the detrimental effects of excess nutrients. This new YouTube video provides a unique synthesis of the story of nutrient water quality in the Susquehanna watershed.

Course: Soils Evaluation and Wastewater Renovation (must be logged in to view)

This course will provide instruction on basic principles of soil science and evaluate and describe soil profiles in the field to determine suitability for wastewater effluent renovation. Topics covered include describing soil properties and identifying limitations to wastewater effluent renovation.

This training was initially developed for Sewage Enforcement Officers; however, the technical content can be valuable to any natural resources professional or those who wish to understand soils better.

Please contact PACD Water Resource Trainer Kelly Davidson at with any questions or to create an account.