Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Westmoreland Conservation District Presents 2022 Awards

(Right) Bobby Ramsey of Ramsey Excavating LLC receives the J. Roy Houston Conservation Partnership Award from (left to right) Westmoreland Conservation District Board Chairman Ron Rohall, Director Jay Bell, and District Watershed Program Manager Chelsea Walker. Photo provided by Westmoreland Conservation District.

Westmoreland Conservation District recently announced its 2022 awards. Ramsey Excavating LLC was named the J. Roy Houston Conservation Partnership Award. The Lash Family Farm was named Conservation Farmer of the Year.

For articles on the awards program, click here and here

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Winners Announced in State Poster Contest on Healthy Soil

2022 Photo Contest Winners

PACD is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 “Healthy Soil: Healthy Life” statewide poster contest.

The winners and the county conservation district that submitted the posters are:

Category: Kindergarten through First Grade

  • William Petrunak, Lehigh County Conservation District

Category: Second through Third Grades

  • Rishwita Bhavirisetti, Delaware County Conservation District

Category: Fourth through Sixth Grades

  • Grace Petrunak, Lehigh County Conservation District

Category: Seventh through Ninth Grades

  • Philip Polstra, Columbia County Conservation District

Category: Tenth through Twelfth Grades

  • Eric Chen, Bucks County Conservation District

Each state-level winner will be submitted for judging in the upcoming national competition this winter. The National Association of Conservation Districts sponsors the national contest. Click here for more information. Click here to read the press release and here to view the full sized posters. 

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Conservationists Recognized in Harrisburg

(Left to right): PACD President Kelly Stagen, Representative James B. Struzzi II, and PACD North Central Region Director Dr. Robert Shannon.

PACD’s annual conference was held in Harrisburg, PA. Several conservationists were recognized during the awards luncheon on July 20, 2022.

The 2022 PACD honorees are as follows: 

Legislator Leadership Award

Representative James B. Struzzi II

The Indiana County Conservation District nominated representative Struzzi.

President’s Award

PACD Ad Hoc Budget Committee

Members of the committee include:

  • Christopher Thompson (Lancaster County)
  • John Dryzal (Cambria County)
  • Josh Longmore (Luzerne County)
  • Mark Hamilton (Tioga County)
  • Emil Bove (Westmoreland County)
  • Douglas Beri Jr. (Indiana County)
  • Christopher B. Snyder (Juniata County)

Ann Rudd Saxman Conservation District Director Excellence Award

Ted Veresink, Northampton County Conservation District

Conservation District Employee Excellence Award

Scott Metzger, Franklin County Conservation District

Conservation District Trash Champion

The Washington County Conservation District collected 46 bags and 10 tons of trash and tires! As a result, the district won the Trash Champion Award for the second year.

Conservation District Employee Service Recognition Awards

With 35 Years of Service:

  • Sandy Thompson, McKean County
  • Susan Moon, Somerset County

With 40 Years of Service:

  • Ed Magargee, Delaware County
  • Gerald Heistand, Lancaster County

Click here to read the entire press release and here to view more photos. 

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Luzerne Conservation District Director Emeritus Wins Mayfly Award

(Left to right): Tim Ference receives the Mayfly Award from Robert E. Hughes, Executive Director for the Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (EPCAMR).

On June 22, 2022, Timothy Ference, Director Emeritus at Luzerne Conservation District, received the Mayfly Award. The award was presented during the PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference in State College.

The Pennsylvania Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference’s coveted “Mayfly Award” recognizes individuals who have dedicated a lifetime of knowledge and expertise to the reclamation of abandoned mines in Pennsylvania. The mayfly was selected as the symbol for this award because its presence in a stream signifies clean water.

Congratulations Tim!

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Lancaster County Conservation District Holds Annual Banquet

Lancaster County Conservation District Manager Chris Thompson speaks during the banquet.

On June 9, 2022, the Lancaster County Conservation District held its 69th annual banquet. The event was held at the Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum, Lancaster, PA. PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh attended the event.

Several individuals were recognized during the event, including recipients of the Youth Conservation School Service Award, Educator Award, Outstanding Cooperator Award, scholarship recipients, and more.

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April 30 Deadline for PACD Conservation Award Nominations

April 30 is the last day to submit a nomination for a PACD Award. Don’t miss this opportunity to recognize a deserving district director, associate director, or employee, or to honor administrative excellence in environmental recreation!

  • Ann Rudd Saxman Conservation District Director or Associate Director Excellence Award
  • Conservation District Employee Excellence Award
  • Legislator Recognition Award
  • Maurice K. Goddard Award for Excellence in Environmental Recreation

Click here for more information and a nomination form. Contact Diane Young at with any questions.

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Elk County Conservation District Issues Trash Challenge

For the second year, the Elk County Conservation District is issuing a challenge to other conservation districts to pick up trash during the month of April.

The district that picks up the most trash in their county is the winner. First, track the number of bags and weight of trash (if possible). Then, share your district’s photos and results on Facebook using the hashtags #ConservationCallout #DistrictTrashTalking.

The winning district will be recognized during the PACD/SCC Joint Annual Conference in July and receive the trash talker award (pictured) for the year. The trophy is currently held by the 2021 winning district in Washington County and will be passed on to the 2022 winner.

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Deadline for Nominations for PACD Conservation Awards is April 30

Do you know a staff person or director who has gone above and beyond the call of duty?

A legislator who champions conservation legislation? A Pennsylvania resident or Pennsylvania-based organization you would like to recognize for their contributions in support of environmental recreation? Consider nominating them for a PACD award!

The categories are:

•      Ann Rudd Saxman Conservation District Director or Associate Director Excellence Award

•      Conservation District Employee Excellence Award

•      Legislator Leadership Award

•      Maurice K. Goddard Award for Excellence in Environmental Recreation

Click here for more information. Contact Diane Young at or 717-794-6109 with any questions.

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