Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

NACD Annual Meeting is Just Around the Corner!

Have you heard the buzz? The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) wants you to join us at the 2025 Annual Meeting! Hosted in partnership with the Utah Association of Conservation Districts, this year’s meeting will take place in Salt Lake City, UT, from February 8-12, 2025. Join us in the Beehive State to explore the theme “Bee the Change: Reaching New Summits in Conservation!”

Register online before Friday, January 17, to secure your spot!

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Pennsylvania Represented at NACD Annual Meeting

Doug Beri, Indiana County District Manager; Ron Rohall, Westmoreland Conservation District (WCD) Board Chair and Pennsylvania representative to NACD; Cliff Lane, McKean County Conservation District Board Member; Emil Bove, WCD Board Member and 2nd Vice President for the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts; Rob Cronauer, WCD District Manager/CEO. Photo provided by WCD.

Submitted by Rob Cronauer, Westmoreland Conservation District Manager/CEO

District board members and staff recently attended the National Association of Conservation District (NACD) Annual Meeting in San Diego, California. The five-day event featured informative sessions on conservation topics like soil health, community outreach, climate change, and water quality. USDA Deputy Secretary for Agriculture Xochitl Torres Small announced a new initiative called the Working Lands Climate Corps at the event. This program will provide skills-based training for careers in conservation that will assist farmers with climate-smart agricultural solutions.

Participants also had a chance to meet and share ideas with conservation district staff nationwide. Westmoreland Conservation District Board Chair Ron Rohall is the Pennsylvania representative to NACD and has been active in advancing educational and funding opportunities to conservation districts at the national level.

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Cliff Lane Wins National Award

Cliff Lane accepts the award in San Diego. Photo provided by Jennifer Ramey.

Cliff Lane, McKean County Conservation District Secretary/Treasurer, PACD North West Region Director & National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) North East Region Representative, was presented with the National Association of Conservation District Employees Outstanding Conservation District Board Member Award. The award was presented during the NACD annual meeting in San Diego earlier this month. Congratulations Cliff!

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Two Pennsylvanians Recognized by Northeast Association of Conservation District Employees

The Northeast Association of Conservation District Employees (NACDE) recently announced their 2023 award recipients.

Cliff Lane Receives NACDE District Leader Award

Cliff Lane (right) was presented the District Leader Award from NACDE President Jeff Parker. Photo provided by NACDE.

The Northeast Association of Conservation District Employees (NACDE) District Leader Award is presented to a director or other individual who is doing an outstanding job working with district professionals on a regional basis, helps obtain the goals of NACDE and the regional partnership, and assists in expanding employee professional development.

This year’s winner of the District Leader Award is Cliff Lane. Cliff currently serves as PACD North West Region Director, NACD North East Region Representative, and Commissioner Secretary/Treasurer at McKean County Conservation District.

This award was presented during the 2023 Northeast Region Meeting in Portland, Maine. Congratulations Cliff!

Sandy Thompson Receives NACDE President’s Award

Sandy Thompson receives the NACDE President’s Award from Cliff Lane at the PACD North West Region Meeting.

Sandy Thompson, Manager of McKean County Conservation District and former Vice President of the Northeast Association of Conservation District Employees (NACDE), received the 2023 NACDE President’s Award. President Jeff Parker, from Steubin County, New York, selected Sandy for the award.

The NACDE President’s Award is given in recognition of outstanding service to NACDE and the Conservation Partnership in the Northeast Region.

Sandy is a long-time member of NACDE, serving as Secretary from 2011 to 2016 and as Vice-President from 2017 to 2023. In her role as Vice-President, Sandy did an outstanding job filling for the NACDE President when he was not available for various meetings and other responsibilities.

The recipient has served both their District and NACDE with professionalism, dedication, and service to the cause of conservation and of District employees in the northeast.

The award was presented to Sandy Thompson at the PACD North West Region Meeting on September 27, 2023.

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PA Represented at NACD Northeast Region Meeting

(Left to right) Erin Copeland, Program Team Director, Allegheny County Conservation District; Cliff Lane, PACD North West Region Director, NACD North East Region Representative, and Commissioner Secretary/Treasurer, McKean County Conservation District; Doug Beri, Jr., Manager, Indiana County Conservation District; Holly Kaplan, Assistant Manager, Lehigh County Conservation District; Ron Rohall Chairman, Westmoreland Conservation District and PACD’s NACD Director; and Denise Coleman, State Conservationist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

The National Association of Conservation Districts Northeast Region meeting was held in Portland, Maine from September 17-20, 2023. Pennsylvania was represented by staff and directors from conservation districts and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

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PA Represented at NACD Annual Meeting

(Top) PACD President Kelly Stagen and NACD North East Region Representative Cliff Lane attend NACD Board Meeting in New Orleans.

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) held its annual meeting in New Orleans from February 11-15, 2023. Attending from Pennsylvania were PACD President Kelly Stagen, NACD North East Region Representative Cliff Lane, PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh, State Conservation Commission Member Ron Rohall, McKean County Conservation District Manager Sandy Thompson, Adams County Conservation District Manager Adam McClain, Adams County Conservation District Ag Conservation Supervisor Brian Sneeringer, Indiana County Conservation District Executive Director Doug Beri, Jr., Allegheny County Conservation District Program Team Director Erin Copeland, and NRCS State Conservationist Denise Coleman.

During the meeting, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of Inflation Reduction Act funding to support oversubscribed voluntary conservation programs. NACD applauds this investment in voluntary and locally-led conservation efforts. It is critical for conservation districts to have the tools needed to face the challenges of the future. Click here to read the press release. 

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said, “The reality is, we can’t get it done without you. There needs to be a strong partnership between USDA and conservation districts. You’re the trusted source in your communities.”

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Cliff Lane Takes Oath of Office

On February 14, 2023, the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) administered oaths of office to its new Officers and Executive Board members. Cliff Lane took the oath of office as the North East Region Representative. Cliff is also McKean County Conservation District Commissioner Director, Secretary/Treasurer, and PACD North West Region Director.

Click here to read the press release. 

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Brian Sneeringer Wins National Award

Brian Sneeringer (left) receives the Distinguished Service Award from NACD President Michael Crowder.

During the National Association of Conservation District’s (NACD) Annual Meeting in New Orleans last week, Brian Sneeringer received the Distinguished Service Award. Sneeringer is the Ag Conservation Supervisor at the Adams County Conservation District.  

For over 30 years, Sneeringer has been a conservation district leader in no-till and implementing conservation practices. His well-established reputation with the farm community allows him to have one-on-one discussions with local farmers, where he challenges them to think outside the box and try new and innovative techniques. He is an innovator, leader, mentor, and outstanding example of a high-performing conservation professional.

Congratulations Brian! Click here to read the press release. 

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Shambaugh Attends Executive Director’s Meeting

PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh (second row, right) attends the Executive Director Meeting. Photo from NACDconserve Flickr.

The Association of Conservation Executive Directors met on February 13, 2023, during the National Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The group began building its first Plan of Work, discussed upcoming funding opportunities, and held elections.

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Cliff Lane Elected to NACD Executive Board

Photo of Cliff Lane is from the McKean County Conservation District website.

Cliff Lane was recently elected as the North East Region Representative to the National Association of Conservation District’s (NACD) Executive Board. He will take office in early 2023.

“I look forward to representing Pennsylvania and the entire North East in my new role with the national association,” said Lane.

Cliff also serves as the PACD North West Region Director, as well as  Commissioner Director and Secretary/Treasurer for the McKean County Conservation District. He has been a director for McKean County Conservation District since 2004.

Congratulations Cliff!

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