Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Registration is Open for Chapter 102 NPDES & PCSM Training for the Regulated Community

Register On-Line Now buttonPACD is assisting the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Southcentral Regional Office to present a Chapter 102 NPDES & PCSM Training for the Regulated Community. This training will be held Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at the Red Lion Inn Hotel Harrisburg Hershey, 4751 Lindle Rd., Harrisburg, PA. Cost is $150/person. Click here to register. The draft agenda is available here. There will be a training in Altoona on November 16 for those who are closer to that end of the region.

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Register Today for Reboot Inspection Training

DEP left-rgbConservation district staff in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed who will perform agricultural inspections, and their managers, are invited to attend a training session on Agricultural Inspection Standard Operating Procedures. Registration will open at 9:30am. The session will start at 10:00am and conclude by 3:00pm. There is no cost to attend. Lunch will be provided.
  • July 13, 2016, Best Western Country Cupboard Inn, Lewisburg, PA
  • July 19, 2016, The Woodlands Inn, Wilkes-Barre, PA
  • July 26, 2016, The Inn at Leola Village, Lancaster, PA
  • July 29, 2016, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA
Click here to register. Contact PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Veronica Kasi with questions at 717-772-4053 or

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Manager’s Summit Attracts 60 to State College

The management summit took place in State College June 7-8. Photo taken by Brenda Shambaugh.

The management summit took place in State College June 7-8. Photo taken by Brenda Shambaugh.

The PA Leadership Development Committee held a Manager’s Summit June 7-8, 2016 in State College. PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh attended both days of the meeting and PACD Executive Assistant & Meeting Planner Molly Burns attended the first day. Over 60 attendees enjoyed presentations and discussion on topics such as developing an effective board, building a winning district team, and more.

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Save the Date: Chapter 102 NPDES & PCSM Training for the Regulated Community

savethedatePACD is assisting the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Southcentral Regional Office to present a Chapter 102 NPDES & PCSM Training for the Regulated Community. This training will be held November 9, 2016 at the Red Lion Hotel Harrisburg East, 4751 Lindle Rd., Harrisburg, PA. Blair County Conservation District is holding their own event on November 16, 2016 at the Altoona Grand Hotel. Registration will open in August. Questions? Contact Shannon Wehinger for information on the Harrisburg event and Donna Fisher for the Altoona event.

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Annual Fall 102-105 Training Meeting

save the date button Planning is underway for the Annual Fall 102-105 Training Meeting for conservation district and DEP staff.  This year’s meeting will be held October 25-27, 2016 at the Ramada Conference Center in State College, PA.  Save the date and add this event to your calendar now. Click here for a DRAFT Training Agenda that has information on the topics that will be covered each day.  This year Day 1 will focus on Agriculture, Day 2 on Chapter 102, and Day 3 on Chapter 105.  Updates to the agenda will be available as session times are finalized, presenters are confirmed, and other details are worked out. A short session for new technicians (with 2 or less years’ experience) is scheduled at the beginning of each day to provide an overview of the programs to be discussed during that day.  Note that on day 1 and 2 these sessions will take place before the general sessions begin. New technicians should plan to check-in at the registration desk early, before attending the session. PROJECT SPOTLIGHT:  We are considering having table space available for districts and others to highlight projects and to share ideas and techniques.  Tables will be available in the conference center lobby for your display (pictures, drawings, whatever) of projects relating to Chapters 102 and 105.  Let me know if you are interested in sharing information on one (or more) of your projects and would like table space.   Question or comments about the meeting can be directed to Jill Whitcomb at DEP, or 717-772-5668 or Terry Fisher at PACD, or 717-728-7223.

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