Beth Lutz, Ag Conservation Specialist; Angie Foltz, Program Specialist; Nate Weaver, E&S Pollution Control Technician; Amy Cannistraci, Ag Conservation Specialist; Katie Doster, District Manager; Randall Leisure, Board Chairman; Brenda Shambaugh, PACD Executive Director; Kori Walter, District Director for Congressman Costello; Jill Weister, District Office Manager for Representative Diamond; Teresa Leitner, Legislative Secretary for Representative Helm.
Missing from picture: Representative Frank Ryan, Commissioner Bill Ames, and Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz. Photo provided by LCCD.
On Friday, June 1, PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh joined staff from the Lebanon County Conservation District (LCCD) to meet with local legislators, including Representative Ryan, Commissioner Ames, Commissioner Litz, and representatives from the offices of Congressman Costello, Representative Helm, and Representative Diamond.
During the meeting, LCCD staff highlighted conservation efforts in Lebanon County over the past year. Staff discussed agricultural programs, erosion and sedimentation programs, agricultural land preservation, the Lebanon County Envirothon, and the LCCD Annual Tree Sale. The group also discussed legislative matters important to the Lebanon County community, including the current Farm Bill and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.