Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Training for DEP and Conservation District Staff Supports Water Quality

Nathan Crawford, P.E., reviews PCSM on April 11, 2018. Mr. Crawford is Environmental Group Manager for the PA Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Clean Water, NPDES Permitting Division, Stormwater Construction Section.

This year’s 102/105 Topic-based Technical Training took place April 10-12, 2018, at the Ramada Conference Center in State College, PA. A record 125 participants from 47 conservation districts and the PA Department of Environmental Protection received in-depth training on Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM), Chapter 105, and other topics that support clean, accessible, water for Pennsylvania’s citizens.

This annual training is funded through a grant from the PA Department of Environmental Protection and made possible through the cooperation of the PA Association of Conservation Districts and Pennsylvania’s conservation districts.