Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Four Districts Visit Capitol for Legislative Visits

Senator Gene Yaw, Chair, Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee; Brenda Shambaugh, PACD Executive Director; Sandy Thompson, McKean County Conservation District Manager; Cliff Lane, McKean County Conservation District Director and PACD North West Region Director; Andy Trostle, Sullivan County Conservation District Director; John Dryzal, Cambria County Conservation District Manager; Joanne Day, Sullivan County Conservation District Director; and Senator Elder Vogel, Chair, Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee. Not pictured are Berks County Conservation District attendees who were visiting Senator Schwank at the time.

On Tuesday, April 25, directors and staff from four conservation districts visited their legislators at the Capitol in Harrisburg. The districts included Berks, Cambria, McKean, and Sullivan. PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh joined the visits to both House of Representative members and senators.

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Conservation Districts Represented at 2017 PSATS Conference

Lance Bowes staffs the conservation district booth.

District volunteers helped at the conservation district table at this year’s PA State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) Conference from Sunday, April 23, through Tuesday, April 25. About 4,000 township officials from across the Commonwealth attended the three day event.

The primary focus of the district exhibit was to share information about conservation district programs and initiatives that affect local townships. The district volunteers helped build new relationships and reinforce existing relationships with township officials.

Thanks to Morgan Schuster, Michele Ulmer, and Lance Bowes (pictured) for their help at the conference.

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Celebrate Conservation District Week!

The Pennsylvania State Senate and the House of Representatives declared April 23-30, 2017 as “Conservation District Week.”

During Conservation District Week, offices across the state will hold events. These events will showcase the projects conservation districts work on every day that control pollution. PACD made fact sheets, a press release, and social media images available for conservation districts to use and share with their news outlets.

Click here to read the press release. 

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PA State Council of Farm Organizations Holds Annual Cornucopia

PA Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding and PACD Director of Communication and Education Shannon Wehinger at the Cornucopia reception.

On April 18, 2017 agricultural organizations gathered in the Capitol’s East Rotunda for the annual “Taste of Pennsylvania” reception. The event showcased Pennsylvania’s agricultural products for the legislators in attendance. The reception is sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Council of Farm Organizations.



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Susquehanna County Conservation District Holds Contractor Workshop

The Susquehanna County Conservation District (SCCD) hosted its annual Contractor Workshop on March 23rd at the Montrose Bible Conference. Over 70 people came to attend the workshop.

Speakers included: Mike Sames (PA Department of Environmental Protection) on Water Obstruction and Encroachment Permits for Culvert and Bridge Installation, Jim Garner (SCCD) on Understanding National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Conditions, Stephen Watson (Cabot Oil and Gas) on Work Place Safety, and Justin Challenger (State Conservation Commission) who spoke about the positive biological impacts of the Dirt and Gravel Road program.

Click here to read more. 

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Nominations for PACD Conservation Awards Now Being Accepted

The deadline of April 30th is fast approaching to recognize a fellow conservationist by nominating him or her for a PACD Award.  Contact Sandy Austin at or 717-238-7223 with any questions.

  • Ann Rudd Saxman Conservation District Director or Associate Director Excellence Award
  • Conservation District Employee Excellence Award
  • Legislator Recognition Award
  • Maurice K. Goddard Award for Excellence in Environmental Recreation

Click here for more information and a nomination form. 

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Statewide Clean Water Farm Award Nominations Due April 30

The Clean Water Farm Award Program recognizes Pennsylvania farmers whose exemplary farm management practices result in improved local and downstream water quality. Pennsylvania’s conservation districts may submit a nomination for a farm in their county. One award will be given in each of PACD’s six regions.

Each district that submits a complete nomination will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 pizza party for their office! Deadline: April 30, 2017.

Award recipients receive a large Clean Water Farm Award sign to hang at their farm, a signed certificate, and an invitation to the PACD/SCC Awards Luncheon in July.

Financial support for this award is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection through the Chesapeake Bay Regulatory and Accountability Program and the Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Education Office (administered by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc.).

Click here to read more

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Thirty Students Complete Agricultural Conservation Technical Training

During the week of April 10, thirty conservation professionals gathered at the Keystone Conference Center in Lebanon County, PA for the Agricultural Conservation Technical Training – Level 2. This week-long training was attended by staff from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and affiliates, conservation districts, PACD, and farmland preservation agencies.

This annual training balances field experience and classroom instruction. It is sponsored by NRCS, the PA State Conservation Commission, and PACD.

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Training for DEP and Conservation District Staff Supports Water Quality

Nathan Crawford, Permits Section Chief for the Waterways and Wetlands Program, DEP South-central Office, presents on PCSM on April 5 in State College, PA.

This year’s Spring 102/105 Topic-based Training welcomed 75 participants from 43 conservation districts and the PA Department of Environmental Protection. The event took place April 5-6, 2017, at the Ramada Conference Center in State College, PA. Participants received in-depth training on Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) and Chapter 105, both of which support clean, accessible, water for Pennsylvania’s citizens.

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PACD Awards Nearly $70,000 to Conservation Districts for Nonpoint Pollution Prevention Educational Projects

This field test kit was created as part of the Perry County Conservation District’s “SCOPE” mini-grant project. Photo taken by Kristie Smith, PCCD Watershed Specialist.

Pennsylvania’s County Conservation Districts were recently awarded more than $69,840 for 37 projects in 31 counties. The projects promote water pollution prevention activities through the Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution Prevention Educational Mini-Grant Program. The projects will take place over the next 13 months.

Click here to see a list of projects funded as part of the 2017-18 NPS Pollution Prevention Educational Mini-grant round. 

Funding for the grants, up to $2,000 each, is provided through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency.




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