Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Thirty-Four Conservation Districts Participate in Manure Mini-grant Program

Photo courtesy of USDA NRCS. 

Mini-grants were available to all 66 conservation districts to hold local Manure Management Manual and Chapter 102 Compliance seminars/work sessions and one-on-one assistance on a first-come, first-served basis. These sessions assisted farmers in understanding manure management requirements and led to the development of a complete manure management and/or agricultural erosion and sedimentation plan.

Thirty-four conservation districts completed projects. Nineteen full-day and thirty-five half-day workshops were completed.

Additional outcomes include:

Farmers reached: 1,526

Manure management plans developed: 265

Acres covered in the manure plans cover: 2,4628.70

Ag E&S plans developed: 43

Acres covered in the Ag E&S plans:  3,285.50

Click here for the program webpage.

Financial support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection through the Chesapeake Bay Implementation Grant, the Clean Water Fund and the Chesapeake Bay Regulatory and Accountability Program (CBRAP).

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Register for the CPESC Review Course and Exam – Lebanon, PA

Discount available for conservation district staff

The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts (PACD) is co-hosting a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) Review Course on September 3, 2019. The exam will be September 4, 2019. Both the review course and exam will take place at the Lebanon County Conservation District Office, 2120 Cornwall Rd., Lebanon, PA.

The CPESC certification is a professional designation for erosion and sedimentation technicians, engineers, and other specialists involved in design, construction, inspection or other aspects of erosion and sedimentation control. If you have not yet started the CPESC certification process, we recommend you go to the Envirocert International, Inc. website and review the requirements and process now.

The review course is designed to ensure CPESC applicants understand what concepts will be covered by the exam and acts as a review for most of those concepts. Note that there is special pricing for PA conservation district staff for the review course. The cost is $175 for conservation district employees and $365 for everyone else. The exam fee is $150. Before registering, contact Amy Brown at or 717-238-7223 x104 for a district staff discount code or with any questions.

Click here for the registration link and here with instructions on how to register.

The review course is open to anyone including conservation districts, agency staff, or private companies, who is actively pursuing a CPESC certification through EnviroCert International, Inc. Please pass this information along to anyone who may be interested.

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District Managers, Assistant Managers, and Team Leaders – REGISTER NOW for the Building for Tomorrow 2019 Management Summit!

Registration is now open for the 2019 Management Summit, September 4-5, 2019, at the Wyndham Garden State College. This year’s Summit features keynote and workshop sessions on both the theory and practical applications of team leadership and maximizing your team’s performance.

 Click here for more information, program highlights, and to register.

Rooms are available at the Wyndham Garden at a rate of $109/night plus tax. Attendees can contact the hotel directly to make room reservations at 814-466-2255. Please indicate the PA Association of Conservation Districts room block (group code: PACDSEPT19). The deadline for hotel room block reservations is August 3.

Financial and other support for the Building for Tomorrow Leadership Development Program is provided through a grant from the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission.  Guidance for the Program is provided through the Pennsylvania Conservation Partnership’s Leadership Development Committee.

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Ag Progress Days 2019: Volunteers Needed

Please consider volunteering at the Conservation District Exhibit at the Penn State’s 2019 Ag Progress Days.

Ag Progress Days is held at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs, nine miles southwest of State College, PA, and features the latest technology and research exhibits, educational programs, and guided tours.

About 60% of the 45,000 expected to attend are actively engaged in agriculture or related activities. With so many farming families from across Pennsylvania at this event, it’s a great opportunity to call attention to the work and programs districts do.

This year’s event will be held August 13-15, 2019. Volunteers are needed for the shifts listed below. Send your name and contact information to or call 717-238-7223 with questions or to schedule your shift.

Tuesday, Aug. 13:     9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. (1 volunteer needed)

Tuesday, Aug. 13:     1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. (2 volunteers needed)

Wednesday, Aug. 14: 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. (2 volunteers needed)

Wednesday, Aug. 14: 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. (2 volunteers needed)

Wednesday, Aug. 14: 5:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. (2 volunteers needed)

Thursday, Aug. 15:   9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. (2 volunteers needed)

Thursday, Aug. 15:   1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m (1 volunteer needed)

A final volunteer schedule, parking passes, and other show information will be sent to volunteers when available. For more information on Ag Progress Days go to the event website at

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PACD/SCC Joint Annual Conference Updates

If you haven’t visited the conference website lately, stop by and check out the newest information. Updates include changes to the afternoon sessions on Wednesday, July 17, and a list of nearby after-dinner options within walking distance of the hotel. Haven’t registered yet? Make sure to register before the July 4 holiday. The preregistration deadline is Monday, July 8. Walk-in registrations are welcome and will be taken on a space-available basis at the conference. Click here for updated information and register today!

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Conservation Districts Educate Landowners through CREP Mini-grant Program

Columbia County CREP field day.

The 2018-19 round of Pennsylvania Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) mini-grants for conservation districts concluded in June.

Some of the outcomes include:

•      14 projects conducted
•      1,472 farmers and landowners reached
•      19 field days/walkabouts held
•      11 workshops held
•      167 one-on-one visits held
•      27 participants indicated they plan to enroll in CREP in the future

Earlier this year, PACD opened the 2019-20 round and awarded 16 mini-grants. Questions about the mini-grant program should be directed to

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New Manager’s Boot Camp Held in State College

Shane Kleiner, PA Department of Environmental Protection, speaks at the New Manager’s boot camp on June 18, 2019.

Fifteen conservation district managers, as well as representatives from the conservation partnership, attended the New Manager Boot Camp Training in State College, PA, June 18-20, 2019. Topics included the Conservation District Law, partner programs, finances, building board relationships, and managing staff.

Leadership Development Coordinator Matt Miller said, “This training was a great opportunity to bring new conservation district managers together and build a strong foundation of knowledge and skills for their position. Perhaps the most valuable part was the networking and sharing that took place among the attendees.”

Financial and other support for the Building for Tomorrow Leadership Development Program is provided through a grant from the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission. Guidance for the Program is provided through the Pennsylvania Conservation Partnership’s Leadership Development Committee.

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Ribbon Cutting Held in Luzerne County for $325,000 Growing Greener Grant Project

Submitted by Jennifer Lauri, Conservation Specialist, Luzerne Conservation District

Photo provided by Luzerne Conservation District.

On Saturday June 8, 2019, The Lands at Hillside Farms held an official unveiling and ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Dr. Doug Ayers Dairy Barn, a two-year project. Amy Brown, formerly with the Luzerne Conservation District (now Program Manager at PACD) originally approached the farm with an idea for a Growing Greener Grant.

The community, donors, conservation district staff, staff from The Lands at Hillside Farms, and members of the press gathered on June 8. Attendees toured the new 15,000 square foot facility.

The Lands at Hillside Farms has worked with the Luzerne Conservation District in the past to plant hundreds of trees along the stream on the farm. The farm has also installed a rain garden, a green parking lot to reduce the amount of impervious surface, and bird boxes all around the property to control the pests.

The total contribution from the Luzerne Conservation District, through a DEP Growing Greener Grant, was $325,000.

Click here to read the entire article.

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Franklin County Conservation District Holds Sixth Annual First Grade Field Trip

Submitted by Jennifer Bratthauar, Ag Conservation Technician, Franklin County Conservation District

Identifying macroinvertebrates. Photo provided by Franklin County Conservation District.

For the sixth year, the Franklin County Conservation District hosted the First Grade Field Trip at Caledonia State Park on April 30, May 1, May 14 and May 15. This year’s field trip included a variety of educational stations including agriculture, wildlife, water quality (macroinvertebrates and runoff), dairy, forestry and a nature trail scavenger hunt. Approximately 712 first graders from 32 classes across 13 different elementary schools attended.

Click here to read the entire article.

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