Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Franklin County Holds its Annual Summer Conservation Farm Tour

The Geisingers, Conservation Farmer of the Year recipients, after receiving their award.

Submitted by Jennifer Bratthauar, Ag Conservation Technician, Franklin County Conservation District

The Franklin County Conservation District (FCCD) held its second annual Summer Conservation Farm Tour on August 1, 2017, which was made possible through a PACD Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Educational Mini-Grant. In addition to recognizing the FCCD’s Conservation Farmer of the Year, this tour also provides attendees with a first-hand look at best management practices that reduce soil and nutrient runoff leaving the farm.

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Poster Contest Winners Announced

Hanna Winslow’s winning poster in the fourth through sixth grade category.

PACD is pleased to announce the five state level winners of the National Association of Conservation Districts 2017 “Healthy Soils are Full of Life!” poster contest.

The winners in each age category are:

K – 1st Grade: Elijah Ritter, Delaware County
2nd – 3rd Grade: Shreeya Ilayanambi, Delaware County
4th – 6th Grade: Hanna Winslow, Berks County
7th – 9th Grade: Hailey Keperling, Berks County
10th – 12th Grade: Anna Rihan, Delaware County

To promote the idea that healthy soil affects many aspects of life, students from kindergarten through twelfth grades entered posters conveying their thoughts and ideas through original artwork. Submissions were judged based on the entry’s conservation message, visual effectiveness, originality, and universal appeal.

PACD thanks all of the participants in the contest for their interest and dedication to conservation. Best wishes to the state level winners in the upcoming national judging competition. Click here for images of the winning posters.

Click here for more information about the NACD poster contest. 

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Awards Luncheon Recognizes Conservationists


(left to right): Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding accepting the PACD President’s Award, PACD Outgoing President Glenn Seidel, Secretary of Environmental Protection Patrick McDonnell, and PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh.

The annual PACD/SCC awards luncheon took place July 12, 2017 at the Red Lion Hotel, Harrisburg, PA.

Among those recognized were:

  • Legislator Leadership Award: Representative Martin Causer (McKean County)
  • President’s Award: Russell Redding, Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture
  • Ann Rudd Saxman Conservation District Director Excellence Award:  Samuel Worley (Franklin County)
  • Conservation District Employee Excellence Award: Robert Sweitzer (Centre County)
  • Conservation District Employee Service Recognition Program Awards
    • 40 Years of Service: Jacquelyn Rouse, Manager, Sullivan County
    • 35 Years of Service: Gerald Heistand, Business Manager, Lancaster County; Bob McDonald, Conservation Technician, Mercer County
    • 30 Years of Service: Mark Flaharty, Senior Ag Resource Conservationist, York County; Susan Moon, Assistant Manager, Somerset County; Sandy Thompson, Manager, McKean County; Deborah Wilson, Manager, Jefferson County

Click here to read a press release on the award recipients and here to see photos of the awards luncheon.


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Five Pennsylvania Farms Receive Clean Water Farm Award

Beth and Dave Rice (center) accept the Clean Water Farm Award from (left to right) Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding, Secretary of Environmental Protection Patrick McDonnell, PACD Outgoing President Glenn Seidel, and PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh.

PACD in conjunction with the award sponsor, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), presented the operators of five farms with the Clean Water Farm Award during its annual conference on July 12, 2017 in Harrisburg, PA. The honor is awarded annually to farmers who manage their daily farm operations in an environmentally conscious manner that helps to protect Pennsylvania’s water quality.

DEP has sponsored this award for the past thirty-one years. Recipients receive a certificate signed by the DEP Secretary and a large Clean Water Farm Award sign to erect on their property.

The 2017 Clean Water Farm Award Recipients are:

  • Billy Porter (Armstrong County)
  • BAD Farm (Berks County)
  • Mark & Beth Steck of Green Valley Farm (Franklin County)
  • Claude Bennett (Susquehanna County)
  • Luke & Julie Hess (Tioga County)

Click here to read a press release on the recipients and here to see photos of the award recipients.

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Franklin County Conservation District Honors Sam Worley

County Commissioners present Sam Worley with a citation for his 25 years of service to the board. From left to right: Commissioner Bob Thomas, Sam Worley, Commissioner David Keller, and Commissioner Robert Ziobrowski.

On June 12, 2017, the Franklin County Conservation District recognized Sam Worley for 25 years of service on the district board. A citation was presented to Sam during the district’s monthly board meeting. PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh was on hand for the event to thank Sam for his service.



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Lehigh County Conservation District Holds Poster Contest

The Lehigh County Conservation District’s “Healthy Soils Are Full of Life” Middle School Poster Contest First Place Winner was Kiran Kadewari of Springhouse Middle School.

In mid-May, the Lehigh County Conservation District (LCCD) was pleasantly surprised to receive more than 150 poster submissions related to this year’s Conservation District Poster theme: “Healthy Soils are Full of Life”. These many works of art, some depicting curvy worms spelling out “SOIL” and magnified microbes extolling merits of healthy soil, are evidence that conservation and creativity is alive and well-understood among art and science students in the Lehigh Valley!

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PALTA Honors Union County for Leadership in Conservation

From left to right: PALTA Executive Director Andy Loza; Merrill Linn Land & Waterways Conservancy President Susan Warner Mills; Union County Commissioner John Showers; Union County Conservation District Manager Bill Deitrick; Coordinator for Merrill Linn Land & Waterways Conservancy Geoff Goodenow; and PALTA President Jeff Marshall. Photo used with permission from Pennsylvania Land Trust Association.

The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association honored Union County with the 2017 Government Conservation Leadership Award for demonstrated leadership in the conservation of our special landscapes and critical natural resources.

Union County has provided leadership, support, and guidance for numerous conservation and restoration projects and has served as a true partner to the conservation organizations working within the county.

The award was presented on May 6, 2017, in conjunction with the 2017 Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference in Lancaster. County commissioner John Showers and conservation district manager Bill Deitrick accepted the award on behalf of the county.

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PACD Presents Leadership Award on Behalf of National Association of Conservation Districts

On May 9, PACD President Glenn Seidel (pictured on the right) presented the National Association of Conservation Districts Quality in District Official Training Award to Mike Flinchbaugh, Vice-chair of the State Conservation Commission, who accepted on behalf of the State Conservation Commission/PA Leadership Development Committee. The presentation was made during the State Conservation Commission meeting in Harrisburg.

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Nominations for PACD Conservation Awards Now Being Accepted

The deadline of April 30th is fast approaching to recognize a fellow conservationist by nominating him or her for a PACD Award.  Contact Sandy Austin at or 717-238-7223 with any questions.

  • Ann Rudd Saxman Conservation District Director or Associate Director Excellence Award
  • Conservation District Employee Excellence Award
  • Legislator Recognition Award
  • Maurice K. Goddard Award for Excellence in Environmental Recreation

Click here for more information and a nomination form. 

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Statewide Clean Water Farm Award Nominations Due April 30

The Clean Water Farm Award Program recognizes Pennsylvania farmers whose exemplary farm management practices result in improved local and downstream water quality. Pennsylvania’s conservation districts may submit a nomination for a farm in their county. One award will be given in each of PACD’s six regions.

Each district that submits a complete nomination will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 pizza party for their office! Deadline: April 30, 2017.

Award recipients receive a large Clean Water Farm Award sign to hang at their farm, a signed certificate, and an invitation to the PACD/SCC Awards Luncheon in July.

Financial support for this award is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection through the Chesapeake Bay Regulatory and Accountability Program and the Pennsylvania Chesapeake Bay Education Office (administered by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc.).

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