Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Lancaster County Conservation District Creates Spotted Lanternfly Video

Screenshot from Lancaster County Conservation District video at

Lancaster County Conservation District’s Spotted Lanternfly Technician Amanda Goldsmith has created a how-to video. In the video Amanda shares instructions on how to set up sticky tape tree bands to control and monitor spotted lanternfly. She uses two bycatch prevention best management practices including 2-3-inch-wide strips and chicken wire around the tape. These combine to reduce wildlife, such as endangered bats and birds, getting stuck on the tape while catching just as many spotted lanternflies.

Click here to view the tree banding video. 

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Columbia County Conservation District Creates Better Backyards Certification

Columbia County Conservation District is launching a brand-new program to promote sustainable backyard practices. The “Better Backyards” Certificate program is open to all Columbia County residential, business, school, and municipal lands.

This program aims to provide habitat for the county’s native flora and fauna, improve water quality and soil health, manage stormwater and erosion, reduce pollutants, and mitigate the effects of climate change.

The district is holding a webinar to launch the program on Friday, July 17, 2020, from Noon-1:00 p.m. Please register in advance for this webinar at:

For more info about the “Better Backyards” Certificate Program go to

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Lebanon County Conservation District Holds Virtual Rain Barrel Workshop

LCCD rain barrel workshop participants picked-up their rain barrels at the Lebanon Valley Agricultural Center at intervals to maintain social distance.

The Lebanon County Conservation District (LCCD) scheduled a rain barrel workshop that was postponed due to the coronavirus and finally had to be held virtually. LCCD Watershed Specialist Stephanie Harmon educated participants on non-point source pollution via a PowerPoint presentation. They were introduced to the concepts of water quality, quantity, and how homeowners can help minimize non-point source (NPS) pollution in and around their own homes. Specifically, they were introduced to local sources of NPS pollution and how a rain barrel can be used as one measure to minimize NPS pollution and conserve water.

Through this grant, twenty-four rain barrels were purchased and distributed to workshop participants. Those receiving rain barrels scheduled time on June 4 or 5, 2020, to pick up their rain barrel at the Lebanon Valley Agricultural Center. Pick-ups were scheduled at 15-minute intervals to implement social distancing.

Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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Beaver County Conservation District Holds Manure Management Workshops

Photo of Beaver County Conservation District agricultural workshop.

As part of their Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Educational Mini-grant Project, the Beaver County Conservation District held two workshops in early March. The goal was to train local farmers in the development of manure management and agricultural erosion and sedimentation plans. Four manure management plans were completed as a result of the project.

Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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Crawford County Conservation District Creates E&S Video

Crawford County Conservation District Resource Conservation Technician Sydney Holler recently created a short video, “Are You Ready for Construction Season?” The video provides an overview of an often-missed component of new construction – erosion and sedimentation control.

Click here to view and share the three-minute video. 

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Stream Health and Stormwater: An Introductory Webinar Series

Throughout June, Allegheny County Conservation District (ACCD) will host a lunch-and-learn webinar series about streams and stormwater. Each week, ACCD staff will walk attendees through an essential aspect of stream health and stormwater systems. Sessions will build on each other to explain the relationship between human activity and water quality. These webinars will also review strategies to improve regional water quality and manage stormwater. Registration is free but required:

View previous webinars on soil, erosion control, tree planting, and manure management here:

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Bucks County Conservation District Hosts Gardening Video Series

Screenshot from Bucks County Conservation District’s gardening video.

Bucks County Conservation District’s summer intern, Baileigh Rosado, launched a web series on backyard vegetable gardening on the district’s Facebook page

Every Sunday, she posts a video documenting her journey building a raised garden bed. She shows viewers how to start their own garden, as well as some educational videos along the way. Check out her first video here on the benefits and potential drawbacks of gardening and how to know if it’s right for you!

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Clarion Conservation District Holds Workshop Series

Sara Stahlman, Extension Leader for PA Sea Grant, gave a talk at Clarion Conservation District’s aquatic invasive species workshop on November 23, 2019. The topic was Pennsylvania’s rapid response plan for aquatic invasive species. Photo provided by Clarion Conservation District.

As part of their 2019-20 Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Mini-grant Project, the Clarion Conservation District held two workshops. The first workshop was focused on invasive plant species in riparian areas. The second workshop addressed aquatic invasive species. A third workshop, which would have focused on invasive arthropods, had to be canceled due to the coronavirus crisis.

The purpose of this project was to educate the local community on how to identify aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, their impacts, and how to control or treat them.

Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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McKean County Conservation District Holds Series of Workshops

Beginning in April 2019, the McKean County Conservation District held a series of workshops for their 2019-20 Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Mini-grant project, “Promoting Healthy Watersheds.” The district held ten workshops, reaching 206 people. The workshops included a best management practices conservation tour, erosion control in our forests, a winter farmers meeting, a backyard conservation series, and an invasive plant workshop and field day.

The district achieved its goal of educating attendees on pollution prevention. The district demonstrated erosion and sedimentation control, rain gardens and infiltration areas, using native plants in riparian areas, and rain barrels.

Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

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Regenerative Farming Video Features Clinton County Conservation District Director and Staff

Screenshot from the video.

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay created a video featuring Jim Harbach, a Clinton County Conservation District Director, and former district staff person Lisa Blazure.

Jim Harbach operates Schrack Farms Resources with his brother-in-law Kevin Schrack in Clinton County, PA. Having practiced no-till farming for 30 years, and adopting the use of cover crops in recent decades, Harbach sees the benefits of these conservation practices to his harvest yields as well as the soil.

Click here to watch the 3 ½ minute video. 

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