Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

PACD Executive Board Meets in Harrisburg

On November 6, 2019, the PACD Executive Board met at the PACD office in Harrisburg. In addition to the business meeting, the board participated in a leadership development workshop,* and a review of PACD financials.

*Financial and other support for the Building for Tomorrow Leadership Development Program is provided through a grant from the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission. Guidance for the Program is provided through the Pennsylvania Conservation Partnership’s Leadership Development Committee.

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PACD Co-Hosts CPESC Training

The CPESC Exam held at the Lebanon County Conservation District on September 4, 2019. Photo taken by Amy Brown.

The Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) review course and exam were held on September 3 and 4, 2019. Nine people attended the course, which was held at the Lebanon County Conservation District Office.

PACD co-hosted the review course in order for conservation district employees to attend at a discounted price.

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New Slate of Officers Elected at PACD Executive Council Meeting

(Left to right): The new PACD officers include Sonia Wasco, Charles Duritsa, Mike Price, Kelly Stagen, and Dennis Beck.

These individuals will serve on the PACD Executive Board in the following positions:

President: Mike Price, Beaver County

1st Vice President: Kelly Stagen, Pike County

2nd Vice President: Dennis Beck, Cambria County

Secretary: Charles Duritsa, Westmoreland County

Treasurer: Sonia Wasco, Lancaster County

Congratulations to the officers and thank you for volunteering your time in these leadership positions!

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PACD Hiring Agricultural Conservation Technician in Lebanon Office

As the Conservation Technician for the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts (PACD) in the South Central Region, the incumbent will provide technical assistance to the Growing Greener program and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS).

This position will: Provide technical assistance to area partnership Growing Greener personnel and the NRCS in the planning, design and construction of engineering practices; Prepare designs of agricultural conservation practices and water quality best management practices (BMPs), which are site specific and require coordination among various groups and individuals; and Provide engineering assistance in conducting preliminary investigations.

Click here for the full job description. Candidates must submit a resume and cover letter to the PACD at All application materials must be received by 4:30pm EDT on June 26, 2019. 

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Welcome New PACD Software Specialist Nick Yeagy

By Nick Yeagy, Software Specialist, PACD

I recently graduated from Penn State Harrisburg with a B.S. in General Science. Last summer I interned with PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). As an intern, I worked on creating content for the Clean Water Academy, a web-based program dedicated to providing conservation district and DEP staff with training on Chapters 102 and 105. As the PACD software specialist, I will continue to work on the Clean Water Academy.

In my spare time I enjoy fishing, cooking, and following Penn State and Philadelphia Eagles football. I am excited to join PACD and work with the conservation districts. If you have any questions or suggestions for the Clean Water Academy, please feel free to contact me at

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