The seven staff at the PACD office in Harrisburg moved to a commercial condominium seven miles east of downtown. The new office location opened November 13. Please update your records with our new address:
5925 Stevenson Ave., Suite A
Harrisburg, PA 17112
The main phone number remains the same. However, all staff have new extensions. They are as follows:
Main phone: 717-238-7223
- Brenda Shambaugh ext. 103
- Lisa Suhr ext. 112
- Shannon Wehinger ext. 105
- Amy Brown ext. 104 (please note Amy Brown was formerly Amy Salansky and she has a new email address:
- Molly Burns ext. 110
- Jann McNamara ext. 106
- Matt Miller ext. 107
The PACD website and email address remain unchanged.
“This new office is better suited to our needs. Staff are excited to reap the benefits of this more logical layout,” said PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh. The old office at 25 N. Front Street is currently for sale. We hope to sell the building in the coming months.”
PACD members and partners are welcome to visit our new location. Our new larger conference room will host meetings up to 25 attendees. Thank you to our board and members for supporting this move.