Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Kelly Williams Wins Annual Watershed Specialist Photo Contest

The grand prize winning photo from this year's annual Conservation District Watershed Specialist Photo Contest (above) was submitted by Kelly Williams, Watershed Specialist for the Clearfield County Conservation District. The photo, which Kelly has titled "Reflections", captures Kelly and her niece monitoring water quality at a treatment site for abandoned mine drainage. Photo used with permission.

The grand prize winning photo from this year’s annual Conservation District Watershed Specialist Photo Contest (above) was submitted by Kelly Williams, Watershed Specialist for the Clearfield County Conservation District. The photo, which Kelly has titled “Reflections”, captures Kelly and her niece monitoring water quality at a treatment site for abandoned mine drainage. Photo used with permission.

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Shambaugh Visits McKean County Conservation District

McKean County Conservation District (MCCD) directors and staff show Shambaugh the native plant and pollinator garden adjacent to their office building. The garden was funded by a Lumber Heritage Region grant.    Pictured from left to right are: Cliff Lane, County Commissioner and MCCD Board Director; Kerry Fetter, MCCD Board Chairman; Brenda Shambaugh, PACD Executive Director; Bob Wright, MCCD Board Director; and Sandy Thompson, MCCD District Manager.

McKean County Conservation District (MCCD) directors and staff show Shambaugh the native plant and pollinator garden adjacent to their office building. The garden was funded by a Lumber Heritage Region grant. Pictured from left to right are: Cliff Lane, County Commissioner and MCCD Board Director; Kerry Fetter, MCCD Board Chairman; Brenda Shambaugh, PACD Executive Director; Bob Wright, MCCD Board Director; and Sandy Thompson, MCCD District Manager.

PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh visited the McKean County Conservation District (MCCD) office on October 11, 2016. She met with several board members and staff. MCCD manager Sandy Thompson and Director Bob Wright took Brenda on a tour of the property which showcases best management practices and other district projects.

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16th Annual Watershed Specialist Meeting Concludes

Group photo

Group photo of the Watershed Specialists taken by Molly Burns.

The annual Conservation District Watershed Specialist Meeting was held October 4-6, 2016 in State College. Sixty-four watershed specialists from conservation districts across the state attended the meeting, which was sponsored by the PA Department of Environmental Protection and facilitated by PACD. Presentation topics included: attracting and engaging adult learners; Pennsylvania’s Wildlife Action Plan; how to deal with Hydrilla (an invasive species); Pennsylvania’s State Water Plan; how to address harmful algal blooms, and much more.

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Susquehanna County Conservation District Completes Phase 2 of the DuBois Creek Stream Restoration Project

Submitted by Jim Garner, Susquehanna County Conservation District
A cross vane and root wads used for stream bank protection are pictured. Photo provided by Susquehanna County Conservation District.

A cross vane and root wads used for stream bank protection are pictured. Photo provided by Susquehanna County Conservation District.

Recently the second phase of the DuBois Creek Stream Restoration project was completed. DuBois creek is a direct tributary to the Susquehanna River. The project is taking place in Great Bend Township near Hallstead, PA. Construction went well, with the entire stream channel graded per design. The channel block has been installed near the downstream limits of the project. This structure will aid in stopping debris from moving further downstream under normal stream conditions. Slightly upstream is a rock deflector. The purpose of the deflector is to protect the stream bank from erosion on a very sharp corner. Several other cross vanes have been installed upstream, which will in turn help with fish habitat as well as stream bank stabilization. This phase of the project has been funded by a Grower Greener grant awarded to the Susquehanna County Conservation District to help minimize erosion, and in turn, reduce flooding downstream. The project is being monitored and administered by the District.  

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Meet PACD’s Newest Conservation Technician

phillipwilsonWelcome our newest PACD Engineering Assistance Program technician, Phillip Wilson! Phillip works out of the Somerset Conservation District office, along with full-time engineer Eric Robertson and part-time technician Phil Gardner. His first day was September 26, 2016. Phillip has a Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown and a certificate in AutoCAD from the Somerset County Technology Center. He can be reached at

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PACD Creates Conservation District Video

cdvideo PACD recently created a video explaining conservation districts and the great work they accomplish on a daily basis. The video was created for districts to use to introduce new board members and the public to conservation districts. Please share the video with county commissioners, other elected legislators, and others who are unfamiliar with conservation districts. Click here to view the video.  

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PACD Executive Director Travels to Arkansas

Attendees of the NACD Executive Director Conference pose in front of the Arkansas River. PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh is pictured in the middle row, second from the left.

Attendees of the NACD Executive Director Conference pose in front of the Arkansas River. PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh is pictured in the middle row, second from the left.

From September 25-28, 2016, PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh attended the National Association of Conservation District’s Executive Director Conference held in Little Rock, Arkansas. The group focused on topics such as:
  • Strategic planning for state associations
  • Partnerships – developing, maintaining and not competing
  • New programs, projects and outreach efforts
  • Arkansas programs and projects highlighted through a conservation tour and success stories
  • State issues, funding sources, and much more

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PACD Testifies before Joint Legislative Conservation Committee’s Forestry Task Force

Westmoreland Conservation District Chairman Ronald Rohall delivers testimony before the Legislative Forestry Task Force on September 29, 2016.

Westmoreland Conservation District Chairman Ronald Rohall delivers testimony before the Legislative Forestry Task Force on September 29, 2016.

On September 29, 2016, PACD Executive Director Brenda Shambaugh and Westmoreland Conservation District Chairman Ronald Rohall traveled to State College to represent conservation districts before the Legislative Forestry Task Force. Their testimony spoke to the past, present, and future of the regulatory relationship between the state’s forestry industry, local governments, and county conservation districts. Click here to read the testimony.

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