Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Leadership Development Updates

2025 Staff Training Initiative Announced

Registration is now open for the 2025 Winter Staff Training Initiative. This year’s program features focus topics for district staff with communications and administrative roles. The webinar schedule includes:

  • Presentations on agricultural outreach through the PA Ombudsman program
  • Understanding the legislative process
  • Roundtable sharing sessions on administrative resources and district budgeting
  • The 5th Annual Conservation District Video Awards

The initiative is capped off by a training workshop, Inspiring Action with Public Speaking, on March 12 in State College, PA. Programs are open to all district and partner personnel. Visit Building for Tomorrow for registration and session descriptions.

Register Now for 2025 Employment Law Seminars

Adam Long of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC will present Employment Law for Conservation Districts this February. The presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of practice and policy for lawfully and effectively managing conservation district staff, as well as updates on recent and significant employment law developments.

There will be three opportunities to attend: February 18 in Cranberry Township, February 19 in State College, and February 20 in the Allentown area. All conservation district directors, associate directors, management staff, and partners are encouraged to attend. Networking will begin at 9:30 a.m., and seminars will run from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Seminar registration is $35 per attendee. Lunch and refreshments are provided, and all attendees will receive a bound reference document summarizing the presentation and policy recommendations. Visit Building for Tomorrow to register.

Reminder: Submit your 2024 Video Content for CDVA’s

Attention all district video creators! It’s time to submit your best work for this year’s Conservation District Video Awards. Our 5th Annual CDVA presentation is scheduled for February 13, when we will screen the entries and award the coveted CONDIVA trophy to the top-scoring video for 2024. To submit your video, complete and return the 2024 Entry Form before January 3.

Financial and other support for the Building for Tomorrow Leadership Development Program is provided through a grant from the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission. Guidance for the Program is provided through the Pennsylvania Conservation Partnership’s Leadership Development Committee.


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Delaware County Conservation District and Partners Plant 170 Trees and Shrubs

Delaware County Conservation District Watershed Specialist Chris Cook (left), Borough Councilman Paul K. Johnson (center), and Darby Creek Valley Association Operations Manager Kyle Gaumann (right) celebrate the project’s success after the last tree was planted, protected, mulched, and watered!

Over forty volunteers gathered at Moore’s Lake Park (The Hollow) in Prospect Park on November 23, 2024, for a massive planting of 170 shrubs and trees as part of a restoration effort to enhance the degraded Stoney Creek riparian zone. This was a collaboration by the Borough of Prospect Park, Delaware County Conservation District, and Darby Creek Valley Association.

The diverse variety of shrub and tree saplings were donated by the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership, which is backed by the Chesapeake Foundation.

Click here to read the entire article and see more photos. 

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Volunteers Needed for Key Roles!

The Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts (PACD) is calling on passionate individuals to make a difference by stepping into leadership roles within our organization. We are currently seeking a volunteer to join our Executive Board as Treasurer—a vital position to help guide the financial stewardship of PACD.

In addition, we are seeking dedicated conservation district directors or associate directors volunteers to serve in the following Committee roles:

  • Conservation District Director/Associate Director for the Conservation Committee
  • Conservation District Director/Associate Director for the District Employees Committee
  • Conservation District Director/Associate Director for the Operations Committee

Your time and expertise can be crucial in advancing our mission and supporting the vital work of conservation districts across the state.

Are you interested in Serving? Contact Brenda Shambaugh at 717-794-6103 or to express your interest or learn more about these opportunities.

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Farm Show Volunteers Needed

The Pennsylvania Farm Show runs from January 4-11, 2025, in Harrisburg, PA. The conservation districts will again share booth space with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service this year.

Two volunteers are needed for the following shifts:

Saturday, 1/4: 8 a.m.–Noon & 12:00–4 p.m.

Sunday, 1/5: 8 a.m.–Noon & Noon–4 p.m.

Monday, 1/6: Noon–4 p.m.

Tuesday, 1/7: Noon–4 p.m.

Wednesday, 1/8: Noon–4 p.m.

Thursday, 1/9: 8 a.m.–Noon & Noon–4 p.m.

Friday, 1/10: Noon–4 p.m.

Saturday, 1/11: 8 a.m.–Noon & Noon–4 p.m.

Volunteers receive a free parking pass for the event. Please email PACD Director of Communications & Education Shannon Wehinger at to sign up or for more information.

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Jefferson County Completes PRISM Pilot Program Project

The Jefferson County Conservation District, in coordination with their Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISM) pilot program advisory board and Redbank Valley Trails Association, completed a project to educate folks in the county about the importance of invasive species control. The project included installation of two signs placed along the Redbank Valley Trail, along with a guided trail hike to introduce the signs and discuss invasive species ID, reporting through iMapInvasives, invasive species control measures, and more. The signs are placed in an environmental justice area along a frequently traveled hiking trail. Seven people attended the guided hike, and the signs are expected to reach hundreds more. The project cost $2,195.45 in grant funds.

Financial and other support for the PRISM Pilot Program in NW Pennsylvania is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a Landscape Scale Restoration Grant with the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

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Intro to Conservation Planning Training Concludes

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service’s State Resource Conservationist Dan Ludwig kicks off the Intro to Conservation Planning course on November 19, 2024.

Twenty-six students attended the Intro to Conservation Planning training in Lebanon, PA, from November 19-21, 2024. The three-day training provided a mix of classroom learning and field experience.

The training was made possible by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the State Conservation Commission. PACD provided administrative support.

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Juniata County Conservation District Holds BMP Tour

Photo provided by Juniata County Conservation District.

On November 8, 2024, the Juniata County Conservation District held an Agriculture Best Management Tour. The event highlighted projects completed through the Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program (ACAP) and Environmental Quality Incentives Program. Participants of the event learned about the impact of nonpoint source pollution, how it relates to agriculture, and the partnerships that made these projects possible.

Partners include the State Conservation Commission, Juniata County Conservation District, National Resource Conservation Service, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, and the Center for Agricultural Conservation Assistance Training.

Participants visited three farms within Juniata County that utilized ACAP funding to minimize the impact of nonpoint source pollution.

Financial and other support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts, Inc. through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act, administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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Cumberland County Conservation District Celebrates Dirt & Gravel Road Project

Participants hold a celebratory check at the CCCD ceremony for project completion.

The Cumberland County Conservation District (CCCD) held a ceremony on October 28, 2024, to celebrate the completion of Ridge Road in Mt. Holly Springs. This was a Dirt and Gravel Road project made possible due to the collaboration of CCCD, the PA Department of Natural Resources, the State Conservation Commission, The Center for Dirt and Gravel Road Studies, State Representative Thomas Kutz, and Senator Greg Rothman.

The project for drainage improvements on the Mount Holly Springs portion (3,775 ft) of Ridge Road cost $233,244.68.

Click here to read more and view before and after photos. 


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Register Now for 2025 Employment Law Seminars

Adam Long of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC will present a series of seminars on Employment Law for Conservation Districts in February. The presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of practice and policy for lawfully and effectively managing conservation district staff, as well as updates on a number of significant recent employment law developments.

Seminars are scheduled for February 18 in Cranberry Township, February 19 in State College, and February 20 in Allentown. All conservation district directors, associate directors, management staff, and partners are encouraged to attend. Networking begins at 9:30 a.m., and seminars will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Seminar registration is $35 per attendee. Lunch and refreshments are provided, and all attendees will receive a bound reference document summarizing the presentation and policy recommendations. Visit Building for Tomorrow to register.

Financial and other support for the Building for Tomorrow Leadership Development Program is provided through a grant from the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission. Guidance for the Program is provided through the Pennsylvania Conservation Partnership’s Leadership Development Committee.

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PACD Hiring Agricultural Conservation Technician in Bloomsburg and Lancaster/Lebanon Offices and a Technician or Engineer in Clarion

The Agricultural Conservation Technician for the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts (PACD) provides technical assistance for the Growing Greener program and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). One Conservation Technician will be hired for each of the following locations: Bloomsburg and Lancaster/Lebanon. Also, either an Agricultural Conservation Technician or a Conservation Engineer will be hired in Clarion.

Salary Range for Technician: $40,000 to $45,000. Salary range for Engineer: Commensurate with experience. Benefits include medical, dental, and vision insurance, a 401k retirement plan, 14 paid holidays, and accrued PTO leave.

Click here for the full job descriptions. Candidates must submit a resume and cover letter to PACD at The deadline to apply is November 12, 2024.

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