Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts

We support Pennsylvania’s Conservation Districts who work for clean water and healthy soil every day.

Intro to Conservation Planning Training Concludes

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Resource Conservationist Dayanna Barnes kicks off the Intro to Conservation Planning course on May 7, 2024.

Twenty-eight students attended the Intro to Conservation Planning training in Grantville, PA, from May 7 to 9, 2024. The three-day training provided a mix of classroom learning and field experience.

The training was made possible by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the State Conservation Commission. PACD provided administrative support.

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Register for the Section 319 Virtual Watershed Planning and Implementation Meeting

The Section 319 Virtual Watershed Planning and Implementation Meeting will take place from 9:00 a.m. to Noon daily May 28 and 29, 2024. The event is open to entities involved in Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management projects, including conservation district staff, DEP and EPA staff, incorporated watershed associations, counties, municipalities, councils of governments, 501(c)(3) non-profits, educational institutions, and municipal authorities.

Agenda highlights include updates from the PA Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, The Stream Restoration Puzzle: Why Investment Projects Often Fail to Meet Water Quality Standards presented by the Stroud Water Research Center, and Watershed Planning in the Pequea: Meeting Federal Standards through Local Approaches presented by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

Click here for more information and to register.

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First Week of Agricultural Conservation Technical “Boot Camp” Training Level II Concludes

The Boot Camp Level II Agronomy Track (top) and Engineering Track (bottom) pose for a group photo on their first day of class.

Thirty-two individuals attended the first Agricultural Conservation Technical Boot Camp Training session – Level II, April 29-May 3, 2024, at Fort Indiantown Gap in Lebanon County. Attendees included staff from conservation districts, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and affiliates, PACD, and the State Conservation Commission.

The Level II training consists of two learning tracks: agronomy and engineering. The two tracks allow participants to focus more deeply on their area of study. The event features a balance of classroom and field work to give participants hands-on experience.

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the State Conservation Commission sponsor the training, which PACD coordinates with these partners.

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Agricultural Conservation Technical “Boot Camp” Basic Level Training Concludes

Participants in the Basic Level of Agricultural Conservation Technical Training pose for a group photo on the first training day.

Thirty-seven individuals attended the Agricultural Conservation Technical Boot Camp Training – Basic Level April 8-11, 2024, at the Union County Government Center in Lewisburg, PA. Attendees included staff from conservation districts, PACD, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and affiliates, the PA State Conservation Commission, and the PA Department of Environmental Protection.

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, State Conservation Commission, Penn State Extension, and PACD coordinate the event.

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Franklin County Conservation District Holds Contractor Workshop

Franklin County Conservation District Engineer John High presents to the Spanish crowd with the help of a translator.

On March 18, 2024, the Franklin County Conservation District presented to over 60 local contractors. The presentation was divided into two groups: one in English and one translated into Spanish.

Topics included perimeter E&S controls, temporary/permanent seed mixtures, bonded fiber matrix, soil amendments, and failed Post-Construction Stormwater Management best management practices.

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Registration Opens for Chapter 102 Basic Technical Training

Registration is now open for Chapter 102 Basic Technical Training May 20-24, 2024, at the Red Lion Harrisburg Hershey in Harrisburg, PA. Attendance is open only to conservation district and DEP employees working with Chapter 102.

The training is appropriate for individuals who are new or relatively new to their position, have never taken a similar training, would like a refresher, or would like guidance and skill enhancement for field inspections. The course curriculum assumes all participants have completed the prerequisite coursework on the Clean Water Academy.

There is no cost to register, most meals are provided, and a partial lodging reimbursement is available. The training is in-person only. Click here for additional information and to register. You will need to log into the Clean Water Academy (CWA) to access this link. Please contact Christopher Grimsley at if you need assistance accessing the CWA. All other questions may be directed to Molly Burns at

This training is funded through a grant from the PA Department of Environmental Protection and made possible through the cooperation of the PA Association of Conservation Districts and Pennsylvania’s conservation districts.

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Save the Date for Chapter 102 Basic Technical Training

Chapter 102 Basic Technical Training will take place May 20-24, 2024, at the Red Lion Hotel in Harrisburg, PA. Attendance is open solely to conservation district technicians and DEP staff who work with Chapter 102. This five-day training is recommended for those who are new or relatively new to their position, have never taken a similar training, would like a refresher, or would like guidance and skill enhancement for field inspections. Participants will gain both classroom and field experience. Registration will open in March.

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Register Today: CPESC Review Course

PACD is co-hosting a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) Review Course. The course will be held at the Clinton County Conservation District in Mill Hall, PA, on September 10, 2024. The cost is $380 for non-district participants and $180 for conservation district staff (contact for the discount code). Register online at

The review course is open to anyone, including conservation district, agency, or private company staff, actively pursuing a CPESC certification through EnviroCert International, Inc. Please pass this information along to anyone who may be interested.

The deadline to register is August 30. Click here for more information.

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Allegheny County Conservation District Hosts Development Workshop

Allegheny County Conservation District (ACCD) hosted The Flow of Development in Allegheny County, a workshop for stakeholders and professionals on Allegheny County development patterns and mapping of existing stormwater infrastructure. This marks the first time ACCD has compiled datasets and mapped National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) permit applications in Allegheny County. These valuable datasets, designed to enhance transparency and collaboration, will be publicly accessible on the ACCD and Western Pennsylvania Data Center websites starting January 30, 2024.

Conservation Districts can now watch a recording of the event here or click here to read the press release.  

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Intro to Conservation Planning Course Application Period Opens

PACD is partnering with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the State Conservation Commission (SCC) to deliver a three-day Introduction to Conservation Planning course. This free training is scheduled for May 7-9, 2024, at the Holiday Inn Harrisburg (Hershey Area) in Grantville, PA.

The event is for entry-level employees of all organizations in Pennsylvania delivering conservation planning technical assistance, including, but not limited to, NRCS, conservation districts, SCC, farmland preservation entities, and non-profits. This training is only for those interested in writing conservation plans and becoming an NRCS Certified Conservation Planner or apprentice.

The training is free, and lunch will be provided.

The application period is now open. Click here for the application and more information. The deadline to apply is March 15, 2024.

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